The Army Strategist Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the study and practice of strategy and the role of the military element of power in achieving national strategic objectives.
The goals of the Association are:
Support the U.S. Army proponent office for Functional Area 59 (FA59: Army Strategist) and Career Program 60 (CP60: Foreign Affairs/Strategic Planning Civilian) by advocating programs and activities in support of each.
Preserve and foster a spirit of mentorship and fellowship among military and civilian persons whose past or current duties affiliate them with the strategic arts.
Strengthen the community of strategists, enhance the study and practice of strategic art, and provide a forum to recognize excellence and the contributions of those in the community.
Our Members

The Army Strategist Association is comprised of members from the strategic community as well as our partners in the academic and business sectors. The Association's strength is in its diversity of membership.
Our roster includes current and former practitioners, uniformed and civilian, serving in positions from tactical through strategic, from across the world, and representing all Army components; Active, Guard, and Reserve.

National Board of Directors

Rob Green
Ken Gleiman
Director of Partnerships

Joe Funderburke
Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Jon Eisberg
Director of Events
Brian Drohan
Director of Writing Programs
Bill Wyman
Director of Awards
Rob Behrman

Shon McCormick
Director of Transition Programs
Alex Kilgore
Director of Mentorship
Matt McCoy
Our Sponsors
The Army Strategist Association is supported by dues and donations from its members and by the following organizations.
You can donate to the Army Strategist Association here.

Mailing Address:
Army Strategist Association
PMB #565
1405 S. Fern Street
Arlington, VA 22202
Contact Us
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