Cadet Essay Competition
The cadet essay competition is intended to encourage future Army officers to engage with issues of strategic importance to the United States. The competition is open to any Army ROTC or USMA cadet. Any essay on the topics of grand strategy, national security, defense policy, foreign affairs, international history, and/or military history may be submitted. This competition began in 2022 and is held annually.
This year the Army Strategist Association (ASA) is holding its fourth annual cadet essay competition.
Any essay on the topics of grand strategy, national security, defense policy, foreign affairs, international history, and/or military history may be submitted. The maximum length of the essay is 2,500 words. The winner will receive $200 and a certificate; second place will receive $100 and a certificate.
Eligibility: Current Army ROTC or USMA cadets (including those who commission during the summer of 2025) are eligible to compete.
How to Submit: Email your essay to with the subject line “2025 Cadet Essay Prize” no later than June 30, 2025.
Previous Winners
2024​ - 1st Place:
2023 - 1st Place: ...